Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today is a rest day, according to the Turbo Fire program schedule. Yay! That's a nice break!

Although I have nothing to report about the workout, I just want to talk a little bit about Shakeology. My sister ordered the Greenberry flavor. Now, I've taken powdered drinks and meal replacements in the past and they all had that chalky after taste that went down my throat. I was afraid that Shakeology would be the same.

Well, I don't know if it's because I made a little more effort to add variety to my drinks, like different fruits and orange juice or almond milk, but the Greenberry Shakeology is actually pretty good! And I'm putting my hand blender to good use!

So far, I've taken the shake for my snack, and today I had it for the first time for lunch. You know what, I feel quite satisfied. I think my body is becoming accustomed to eating every 3 hours so once 1:15 pm came (I put my alarm on!), I started to feel jittery. My hands started to shake, but I insisted on finishing up my class assignment research (I know, that's bad!). Then I rushed downstairs to prepare my drink, all the while thinking that I just want to give in and have a big ole tuna sandwich with some Maui Onion potato chips! But I resisted the temptation, prepared my Citrus Berry Shakeology drink (from the Shakeology recipes!), and tanked the bugger down! Drank some water. And now I'm fine!

I think this will save me some mula in the long run. No, I KNOW it will because I won't be spending money on Jamba Juice Chunky Strawberry Toppers or Subway sandwiches anymore. Maybe once a week as an incentive or a cheat day. I'm pretty happy with Shakeology. Okaaaaaay, I guess I'm willing to substitute Greenberry for Chunky Strawberry! And thank goodness that Beachbody has an endless supply of recipes on hand so I won't get bored!

So far, so good? Yes! Here's to Shakeology (raising my cup)!

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