Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Ahhh...Day 2...

I could not roll out of bed this morning! I felt it in my back, my arms, shoulders, abs, butt, and legs! The only place that wasn't so affected was my chest as there wasn't much concentration in the chest during the workout yesterday.

Still, it was a "good" kind of pain. A pain that said, "Turbo Fire kicked her butt! She worked her arce off yesterday! You go girl!" Gosh, I haven't felt this kind of good pain for a long time! I forgot what it felt like to really push myself. When I did past exercise videos, I didn't push myself as hard, and the next day all I felt was "sore". Not "good pain". "Sore" just meant that I moved my body around a lot more than usual. But I didn't push it to my limits.

So about today's workout...

Well, I actually caught a break. Or so I thought. According to the Turbo Fire Prep Class schedule, I'm to do the Stretch 40. I thought, oh good, I can relax and stretch out my sore muscles today. I should have known better - this is Chalene Johnson's Turbo Fire we're talking about!

Stretch 40 meant stretching my body to my dang limits again! Stretching meant some yoga. I have never taken yoga, although I've always wanted to. I have gained so much respect for yogis in that 40 minutes of the workout. And Chalene doesn't just stretch and pose; she picks up the tempo. By the end of the video, I was sweating like a dog (if dogs do sweat!).

There's something about Chalene Johnson that keeps me motivated. Maybe it's her voice. Or her energy exuding from the TV. Or maybe I'm just more motivated than ever to FINALLY take hold of my health and wellness. I don't know. But this feels good. I feel good. I'm glad I started this. Now I just have 88 days to go...

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